simplify this complex world

December 10, 2015

Zimbra store drive is full?? -First-

Filed under: accoutre,Catatan Oprekan — effendisusanto @ 2:09 am

I got a legacy email system on my office, we manage our own email system. The predecessor choose zimbra as our email system.

Because I’am not IT administrator anymore..since..umm 7 years ago :D, I don’t put attention to that mail system. It run atop centos atop VMWare while I use .net C# for developing, research, and/or pre research when creating analyst for system, so searching freebsd/linux skill from my arsenal is quite challenging.

The problem is our IT-support doesn’t know linux well. And suddenly the email is crash because the disk is almost full-99% and no one understand how to overcome this problem.

The show must go on, I’ve to summon linux skill from my arsenal to dance once again, event I’ve to acknowledge that my *nix skill is rusty.

So, how we overcome this problem? I decide to get other drive to move the “zimbra drive greedy part” to another easy as that. But how to do it?

I split this work into two main task:

  1. Reserve space from unused/unimportant file, so the email will continue to run despite exhaustion and I have enough time to move the data to the new drive (second part).
  2. Move the data to the new drive with minimize downtime.(third part)

I’ll write the detail for both task next time


  1. […] On this second part, I want to write out how to reserve emergency free space on zimbra machine as I mentioned on the First Part. […]

    Pingback by Zimbra store drive is full?? -Second- | simplify this complex world — December 11, 2015 @ 10:20 am | Reply

  2. […] of saving the zimbra email system from collapse because of insufficient space as explained at the first part. On the second part, I try to explained how to reserved some free space on emergency situation so […]

    Pingback by Zimbra store drive is full?? -Third- | simplify this complex world — December 14, 2015 @ 4:07 am | Reply

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