simplify this complex world

December 14, 2015

Zimbra store drive is full?? -Third-

Filed under: accoutre,Catatan Oprekan — effendisusanto @ 4:07 am

It’s the third part of saving the zimbra email system from collapse because of insufficient space as explained at the first part. On the second part, I try to explained how to reserved some free space on emergency situation so we got some time/space privilege to carefully find solutions with minimum risk and minimum downtime.

After do some googling, I finally decide to add new hardisk on the server and move ‘zimbra greediest space part’ to the new hardisk.

The ‘greediest space’ part of zimbra is on /opt/zimbra/store which store the blob email message. So we will move the /opt/zimbra/store to the new hardisk. To minimize down time, we will use rsync to move the data.

Let’s dig deeper how I add the hardisk to the server and how to make it work seamlessly with current system.

  1. Assume we already put hardisk that already ext4 formatted and located in /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_data, we will mount it into temporary place let say /data
    – Prepare directory for the new partition

    % mkdir /data

    – Change ownership of the directory to zimbra# chown zimbra:zimbra – Change permission of the directory to 755# chmod 755 /data– Check read/write/delete on the new directory for user zimbra

    % su - zimbra
    $ cd /data
    $ touch testfile
    $ rm testfile
    $ exit- Mount the partition to the /data
    % mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_data /data
  2. Ensure that your drive is already mounted in /data
    % df -h
  3. Now we copy the /opt/zimbra/store to /data, as stated before, we will use rsync to minimize problem and downtime.
    % rsync -avzHS /opt/zimbra/store/ /data

    This action will take time depending on how big is your data. After the sync finished, we will execute the last part, change the /opt/zimbra/store with the /data, this should be done carefully yet quickly.

  4. Stop zimbra service
    % su - zimbra
    $ zmcontrol stop
  5. Rsync /opt/zimbra/store to /data, why we have to do another rsync? Because after we did the first sync, there is a big possibility some email in/out from/to the zimbra, and we have to ensure that those data will also moved. We do the second rsync AFTER we stop the zimbra service so the data on /opt/zimbra/store is final.
    % rsync -avzHS /opt/zimbra/store/ /data &
  6. Move the current /opt/zimbra/store to another folder and create new /opt/zimbra/store as container to the new partition
    % mv /opt/zimbra/store /opt/zimbra/store_bak
    % mkdir /opt/zimbra/store
    % chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/store
    % chown 755 /opt/zimbra/store
    % sudo - zimbra
    $ touch /opt/zimbra/store/testfile
    $ rm /opt/zimbra/store/testfile
    $ exit
  7. Unmount /data than mount it to /opt/zimbra/store
    % umount /data
    % mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_data /opt/zimbra/store
  8. Check that the mounting process is done
    % df -h
  9. Start the zimbra service
    % su - zimbra
    $ zmcontrol start

That all step we need to move the /opt/zimbra/store, after some time, and you already ensure that the system is stable, you may delete /opt/zimbra/store_bak to reserve another ‘huge’ free space.. DONE

December 11, 2015

Zimbra store drive is full?? -Second-

Filed under: accoutre,Catatan Oprekan — effendisusanto @ 10:20 am

On this second part, I want to write out how to reserve emergency free space on zimbra machine as I mentioned on the First Part.

To accomplish this task, we have to find out which files need to be deleted so we can get ’emergency free space’ instantly. The most possible files to be deleted are log files. Zimbra is a stack consist of several technology so it must have several file log for each technology. We can find all zimbra related log files on two directory:

  • /var/log/
  • /opt/zimbra/log

Lets sweep out the first one:

% cd /var/log
% ls -alh | less
% rm -rf maillog.*#rm -rf messages*
% rm -rf zimbra.log*
% ls -alh | less

Then we sweep out the second:

% cd /opt/zimbra/log
% ls -alh | less
% rm -rf audit.log.*#rm -rf zmconfigd.log*
% rm -rf zmlogswatch.out*
% rm -rf mailbox.log*
% ls -alh | less

Huff.. finally I got 2G freespace to keep the engine running. We now have privilege to find the real solution like I posted on the third part.

December 10, 2015

Zimbra store drive is full?? -First-

Filed under: accoutre,Catatan Oprekan — effendisusanto @ 2:09 am

I got a legacy email system on my office, we manage our own email system. The predecessor choose zimbra as our email system.

Because I’am not IT administrator anymore..since..umm 7 years ago :D, I don’t put attention to that mail system. It run atop centos atop VMWare while I use .net C# for developing, research, and/or pre research when creating analyst for system, so searching freebsd/linux skill from my arsenal is quite challenging.

The problem is our IT-support doesn’t know linux well. And suddenly the email is crash because the disk is almost full-99% and no one understand how to overcome this problem.

The show must go on, I’ve to summon linux skill from my arsenal to dance once again, event I’ve to acknowledge that my *nix skill is rusty.

So, how we overcome this problem? I decide to get other drive to move the “zimbra drive greedy part” to another easy as that. But how to do it?

I split this work into two main task:

  1. Reserve space from unused/unimportant file, so the email will continue to run despite exhaustion and I have enough time to move the data to the new drive (second part).
  2. Move the data to the new drive with minimize downtime.(third part)

I’ll write the detail for both task next time

March 17, 2010

n introduction to seluk-beluk dunia braille (2)

Filed under: accoutre — effendisusanto @ 3:40 pm


Pada posting sebelumnya, saya sudah memaparkan bagaimana bentuk huruf braille serta bentuk huruf braille untuk abjad dari A- Z, ada yang perlu ditambahkan bahwa di font braille, tidak ada perbedaan antar huruf kecil(lowerCharacter) dan huruf besar(upperCharacter), umm bisa dibilang juga bahwa braille secara ascii merupakan font yang case Insensitive. Namun secara aturan, akan ada bagaimana huruf besar dan huruf kecil di Braille, semoga dalam satu/dua postingan ke depan saya ada kesempatan untuk membicarakan masalah CASE ini.

Untuk saat ini, saya akan memfokuskan diri pada karakter2 yang sering dipakai, posting sebelumnya tentang abjad, sekarang kita akan membahas angka. Braille mengenal dua jenis angka yaitu angka arab dan angka braille.

Angka arab di braille sangat mudah dihafalkan karena hanya menggunakan abjad a-j ditambah dengan tanda angka didepan angka tersebut.   Tanda angka adalah tanda dengan titik 3-4-5-6.

Bagaimana jika ada beberapa angka berurutan tanpa adanya spasi atau tab??jika terdapat 2 atau lebih angka yang berurutan, maka penulis hanya perlu menuliskan tanda angka satu kali didepan angka yang paling depan. Aturan itu tetap berlaku jika angka-angka tersebut dipisahkan oleh – (dash), titik, maupun koma.


Sedang untuk angka romawi aturannya agak lebih ribet, dan masih ada beberapa hal yang rancu, dan membingungkan bahkan bagi  orang2 yang menyusun aturannya :)), piss ya mas budi, pak irwan dan pak bambang :D, jadi kapan2 saja saya jelaskan penggunaan angka romawi di huruf braille.

March 15, 2010

An introduction to seluk-beluk dunia braille (1)

Filed under: accoutre — effendisusanto @ 3:35 pm


Beberapa bulan terakhir, saya iseng-iseng belajar huruf braille.. dari ga ngerti sama sekali sampe sekarang minimal mengerti apa itu huruf braille. Pumpung masih melekat dalam ingatan.. saya ingin berbagi pengetahuan tentang huruf braille, terutama untuk meluruskan persepsi2 yang ada dikalangan orang awas.

Sebelum memulai dengan bentuk huruf braille, terlebih dahulu kubeberkan beberapa persepsi saya sebelum belajar huruf braille:

1. Bentuk huruf braille sama dengan huruf cetak tapi timbul

2. Pembacaan untuk braille dan awas sama

3.  Pembelajaran braille selesai dengan menghafal semua karakternya saja.

Pengenalan huruf braille ini akan saya tulis dalam beberapa postingan, biar ringan dan lebih bertahap :D.

So lets be a brillian eh braillian for a while :


Bentuk : Tidak seperti yang dulu kubayangkan, huruf braille ternyata hanya disusun oleh 6 (enam) titik yang disusun 2×3. setiap titik kemudian diberi nomor tetap 1,2,3,4,5, dan 6 agar mudah di ingat dan diajarkan :D. Sehingga huruf braille jumlahnya terbatas sebanyak 63 karakter hasil kombinasi dari 6 titik tersebut. Karena setiap titik memiliki nomor, maka kita bisa nyatakan suatu huruf dengan cara menyebut nomor dari titik-titiknya. Contoh

(a) titik 1

(p) titik 1-2-3-4

Setelah mengerti bentuk braille, kita beranjak untuk mengetahui abjad-abjad di braille :D.

Kiranya cukup sekian dulu untuk hari pertama :D.. semoga cukup banyak persepsi yang telah berubah dengan sekedar membaca postingan ini :D.

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